Monday, April 26, 2010

i went to that room today
at first i couldn't tell if it was you, i honestly can't really remember what you look like.
i distracted myself
i look up and i see the elders

i accidentally say something outloud
i'm getting nervous
i just want to leave

i didn't deserve that
all you had to say is that you made it all up

one word and you could have changed my world
i don't care that you did nothing, because i can say i don't really care about you.
you got what you wanted, and now i can care less

i learned so much, so thanks.
no one can bring me down
i still have a smile on my face at the end of the day

thanks for the goodbye!
i'm gonna take the high road

Monday, April 19, 2010

hello world
this is the last week before exams!
i also go to court to get all that crap taken care of, stupid white boys can't handle a real woman. YA KNOW?
just kidding,
i'm not really sure what i'm talking about

it's funny to hear that my ex still talks about me
i don't even remember the last time i said his name
i even cringe when i hear someone else say it.

i can't wait to get out of the east coast
i'm done living in this foreign country.

other than that,
the withdrawal symptoms seem to lessen each day and i'm happy that i am not feeling as sick anymore. i'm happy with who i am and i feeling like people actually like me for who i am; not trying to change me.

i love my family.
i love my kitten.

i love that i'm getting out of north carolina :)

Saturday, April 17, 2010

withdrawal from SSRIs
why did i ever let someone convince me to take them
my body feels horrible
but i will not be controlled any longer

for now
i must suffer

be patient with me.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

all these strange coincidences.
something is the meaning of all this.
we have some unfinished business
when you going to stop being so chicken?
i'll take you fried not grilled..
my odd lover ?
even though i imagine myself flipping you off
as we pass by
that would feel real nice.


Monday, April 12, 2010

hm i have a bunch of things to do today.
i'm starting to get anxious about my court date coming up, being labeled a criminal for the rest of my life over some boy is not something i am going to try to do.

life has reached a plateau
give me something interesting!
as i sit back and watch the world around me
i don't even care anymore
just know,
i am an alien.

Friday, April 9, 2010

i am beginning to feel distressed, slighty
i am an alien
and yes i mean that
shit is going down
does anyone feel it too

Wednesday, April 7, 2010
the concept of time gives boundaries
people back in the day probably lived to be 500 years old only because they had no idea they were so old
the older generation is taught to embrace death
shouldn't life be lived everyday?
instead of living, most of life is spent preparing to live
thinking about the future only clouds the present
so where in time do you live?
you cannot neglect the future
you cannot only hope for the future
but yet you cannot live in the present
...according to social standards,
or can you?

stopping to touch a blade a grass
is that wasting 'valuable time' ?
time = money ?
money comes and goes but does time do the same?
the past effects the present
the present effects the future
can the future change the past?
can time be rippled? can time be erased?
time can perceived differently according to the individual

we all age with time
but time does not have to age us
chose to make you own time
live your own time line

every person has a ripple effect on the planet
take time to know your being
take time to know your planet
take time to be human:

time is what you make of it.